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Best Finance YouTube Channels

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I'm addicted to learning as much as possible about finance and the stock market, and I've compiled a list of my favorite YouTubers that I follow daily to learn.

This video shares my current favorite Stock Market YouTube Channels.

I've taken a ton of interest this year in learning as much as possible about the financial markets.

Primarily because of how crazy things have been in the world.

My goal is not only to protect my assets but to position myself to benefit from the market going up OR going down.

Part of succeeding at that is projecting what will happen in the future.

Each of the YouTube channels listed in this video are on my "Subscribe & Alert" list.

I make a point of watching their daily uploads to allow myself to stay up to date with macro economic data & technical analysis of that day of trading.

If you're interested in expanding your knowledge of the stock market, check out my video!

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