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Automate Amazon Ads w/ Merch Amigo

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Merch Amigo removes the time & guesswork out of creating Amazon AMS ads to promote your Merch & KDP products by turning it into a two-click process to get setup.

KDP 13: Automate AMS Ads w/ Merch Amigo

Running ads will increase the visibility of your KDP books & Amazon Merch products.

More visibility = more sales (assuming you're getting your products in front of the right people).

But running ads takes time.

Lots of time.

(you know this if you've ever run an AMS ad).

AMS ads made easy

Time = money, so this is an equation we have to solve for...

Should we spend time running ads to existing books, or creating new books?

Well... You no longer need to make that decision!

With Merch Amigo, two clicks will setup AMS ads to your KDP Books & Amazon Merch listings.

Two clicks

(One) (Two) (Done)

You can't afford to miss this!

Looking to jumpstart your KDP sales? Check out my full KDP course that outlines how I made $3,500 of profit in my first 10 weeks on Amazon KDP:

πŸš€ Ryan's Method: KDP πŸ‘‰ https://ryanhogue.com/courses/kdp/

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