Sales: 1,824
Revenue: $50,082.59
Profit: $8,626.03
Gross Margin: 17%
2018 π° Profit to Date: $28,526.58
* sales data from JungleScout Sales AlayticsFBA revenue exceeded $50,000 for the month - WOOHOO!
The profit drivers were primarily 8 SKUs. While I had more than 8 FBA products for sale, some were still "finding their legs" as they got up to speed in pursuit of profitability.
I had also invested in launching some new SKUs that were being shipped by SEA during the month of May, and would arrive soon.
Sales: 365
Revenue: $7,113.45
Royalty: $1,522.70
Avg. Royalty: $4.17
2018 π° Profit to Date: $7,518.82
* sales data from PrettyMerch ProMy top selling shirt design for May 2018 was an evergreen, which was great because I've always pursued high-value evergreen designs instead of chasing trends.
That said, I truly do not know if it's the better strategy or not. If you're making better money by chasing trends, please drop a comment below!
In total I sold 167 different designs and made 391 total sales, netting me $1,522.70 in royalties for the month. I'll take it!
Sales: 81
Profit: $150.54
2018 π° Profit to Date: $1,118.85
One thing you'll get on this website that you don't always see other places is... the truth!
My dropshipped print-on-demand sales were largely unimpressive yet again, especially given the amount of work I put in.
I still hadn't "cracked" the dropshipped POD equation to the point where it justified the amount of time/effort spent uploading products.
Google Ads
Earnings: $243.45
Page Views: 341,445
Ad Impressions: 1,193,327
2018 π° Profit to Date: $995.11
* data from Google AdsI run a few popular websites where I collect advertising revenue via Google Ads (formerly Google AdSense). I also collect revenue via direct partnerships with advertisers & from affiliate links, but for times sake, I'm going to omit those deals.
I won't be doing month-to-month write ups here because I don't spend much time maintaining these websites. They started out as passion projects that allowed me to become a better web developer, but today I spend very little time working on them.