Sales: 1,810
Revenue: $45,935.04
Profit: $10,099.29
Gross Margin: 21%
2018 π° Profit to Date: $38,625.87
* sales data from JungleScout Sales AlayticsJune profits were lead primarily by my two best selling SKUs, as I sold out of my #3 contributor, and #4 pulled back a bit in sales rank.
One thing of note happened: My net profit margin jumped from 17.2% in May to 22% in June! I definitely have to credit the integration that I had been using to help automate my sponsored product campaigns since April.
Towards the end of the month, a new product went live that I was excited to test the waters with. It was in the same category as my #1 best seller from the months prior, and I noticed it constantly popping up in the "frequently bought together", so I found some suppliers, ordered samples, and went live with the highest quality product.
While its profit potential wouldn't be realized any time soon, I was excited for its potential as a complimentary product.
Sales: 377
Revenue: $7,298.41
Royalty: $1,529.86
Avg. Royalty: $4.06
2018 π° Profit to Date: $9,048.68
* sales data from PrettyMerch ProFor the second month in a row I sold exactly 167 different designs for a total 393 sales (+2 total sales compared to May).
Again, the vast majority were evergreen, although I did see positive reaction to me seeing shirts on TV shows that I would recreate and throw up on Merch.
I think it's important to remember this strategy: Let other people advertise shirts for you!
When you see celebrities or influencers wearing simple shirt designs, check if they are trademarked (, and if not - recreate the design, list it, and watch it sell!
Sales: 90
Profit: $183.48
2018 π° Profit to Date: $1,302.33
Amazon sales were relatively consistent month over month, and almost completely merchant fulfilled (I had finally gotten rid of what was left of my post-Christmas FBA mugs).
I finally got more serious about turning Etsy into a more profitable sales channel (via the integration).
I spent some time toying around with promoted listings and was able to nab 6 sales. It wasn't much, but it was a step in the right direction.
Google Ads
Earnings: $310.55
Page Views: 358,373
Ad Impressions: 1,345,476
2018 π° Profit to Date: $1,305.66
* data from Google AdsI run a few popular websites where I collect advertising revenue via Google Ads (formerly Google AdSense). I also collect revenue via direct partnerships with advertisers & from affiliate links, but for times sake, I'm going to omit those deals.
I won't be doing month-to-month write ups here because I don't spend much time maintaining these websites. They started out as passion projects that allowed me to become a better web developer, but today I spend very little time working on them.