Sales: 27
Revenue: $1,211.65
Profit: $348.04
Gross Margin: 28%
2017 π° Profit to Date: $955.16
* sales data from JungleScout Sales AlayticsProfits were lower than the month prior due to some inventory going out of stock again, but the overall profit margin was 29.1% which was pretty awesome!
I spent a ton of time working on launching a branded line of products for a website that I started in college which gets over 300,000 hits a month. It was always my dream to sell branded products on the site, and it was finally becoming a reality!
Fortunately I have friends that are great at graphic design that were willing to hook me up with product & packaging designs for FREE, which made the experience both easier & more affordable.
Sales: 179
Revenue: $3,270.24
Royalty: $1,026.20
Avg. Royalty: $5.73
2017 π° Profit to Date: $2,866.20
* sales data from PrettyMerch Pro1) Merch royalties exceeded $1,000, and I was ecstatic that my hard work had paid off!
2) I was still banned - and I needed to resolve that small problem. I thought back to how I got accepted into the Merch by Amazon program - I applied TWICE, and within 1 week of applying the second time, I was accepted.
So following that logic, I emailed the Merch admins a second time (about a month had passed at this point), and within a few days I was UNBANNED!
Once my account's good standing was restored, I was back to work, maxing my daily uploads even if it meant losing an hour or two of sleep at night.
Sales: 4
Profit: $45.74
2017 π° Profit to Date: $114.74
Sales were steady here, nothing too impressive to write about.
I was actively posting new listings daily and growing my catalog of mainly mugs & shot glasses. I hadn't figured out an "optimal" approach to the GearBubble + Amazon integration just yet, and had primarily listed my t-shirt designs onto mugs & shot glasses.
Online Arbitrage
Sales: 13
Revenue: $1228.37
Profit: $500.37
My eBay online arbitrage sales were steady & brought in another $500 cash. For more backstory on this, see last month's income report.
Google Ads
Earnings: $210.39
Page Views: 426,867
Ad Impressions: 1,188,987
2017 π° Profit to Date: $1,173.77
* data from Google AdsI run a few popular websites where I collect advertising revenue via Google Ads (formerly Google AdSense). I also collect revenue via direct partnerships with advertisers & from affiliate links, but for times sake, I'm going to omit those deals.
I won't be doing month-to-month write ups here because I don't spend much time maintaining these websites. They started out as passion projects that allowed me to become a better web developer, but today I spend very little time working on them.