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Why I Closed My Shopify POD Store

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I closed my Shopify Print on Demand store because I made the decision to replace it with links to Amazon listings in hopes of driving sales & boosting organic rank.

Why I closed my Shopify print on demand store...

"Shopify" and "Print on demand" are two major buzzwords in the e-commerce sphere right now.

They're both great methods of making money online.

Shopify makes starting your own online store EASY.

And Print on demand lets you sell products without carrying inventory

Combining the two makes perfect sense... so why did I DELETE my Shopify store???

I break down the answer for you in this video.

In summary, I replaced my Shopify store with links to Amazon Merch listings (that I own).

Each sale that I drive to those listings in turn will increase the organic rank of those products on Amazon.

My goal is to position my products, ORGANICALLY, as close to the top as possible.

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