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Q4 Ecommerce Holiday Sales Stories

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If you're selling anything online, you should look forward to the 4th quarter or "Q4" as we call it, as this is the peak time of year for online shopping.

Q4 really is the "Most wonderful time of the year" *queue Andy Williams*

Not only is it awesome to give & receive gifts, but nothing is better than the gift of seeing your hard work from the previous 9 months pay off in the form of increased online sales.

I sell primarily through three channels:

Click any of them to learn more on my YouTube channel

All 3 benefit from the Q4 spike in online shopping, as evidenced by my years of passive income reports.

What It's Like Selling in Q4

If you get any sort of notifications each time you make a sale, then you'll know it's Q4.

Like your Amazon Seller app sending you a push that you just sold an FBM hat or t-shirt through the Amazon + Printful integration.

Or maybe you sold a few coffee mugs through the Gearbubble integration, and once a day they send you an email for each order received:

Gearbubble Amazon integration sales in Q4

* click to expand

That's a picture of my email inbox after Gearbubble decided to download a day's worth of sales from Amazon in Q4.

Not bad!

Amazon also emails me after each sale they receive (not all at once like Gearbubble), but as you can see by the picture below, it was also a very good 4th quarter day of sales.

Printful Amazon integration sales in Q4

* click to expand

My approach to making sales is pretty simple:

1) Follow the customers

The easiest way to make sales it to be selling where the customers are looking to buy.

As a result, I prioritize selling on the following marketplaces:

I also sell on some smaller marketplaces where you have less control over your listings, like Redbubble (if you're selling print on demand).

2) More products = more money

I'm a strong believer that there's a correlation between the # of products you're selling & the amount of $ you make.

If we're talking Amazon FBA, it's understandable that you may not sell as many products, because you have to pay for the inventory up front & not everyone has thousands of dollars to invest in products.

But with Print on Demand you really have nothing stopping you from creating new products all day!

Well, to clarify - you can push infinite products to websites like Amazon using a GTIN exemption, but they'll throttle you if you push too many at once, so there has to be a bit of a buffer inbetween.

Either way, when you make a design for sale on print on demand products, most of us prioritize best selling products like t-shirts or coffee mugs.

There's nothing wrong with that... but it's leaving money on the table!

You should offer your products on as many products as possible, because you don't know what your customers are looking to buy.

One very easy way to do this is to sell on markets like Redbubble, where you upload 1 design and instantly it is available for sale on over 30+ products.

They fulfill all orders & take care of customer service, & you get paid a royalty.

Talk about EASY MODE!

I'm also a HUGE fan of the Printful + Amazon integration which allows you to offer your designs on tons of different product types on the world's largest e-commerce marketlpace.

(Redbubble doesn't integrate with Amazon).

If you're looking to take advantage of selling on Amazon (or Etsy, or eBay, or Shopify) through Printful, you get start your print no demand business TODAY:

I also have a free Dropshipped Print on Demand mini course that guides you thorugh getting started on Printful & gets you setup with the Printful + Etsy integration.

Check it out for free by clicking here

Last but not least, I have to shout out Amazon Merch which functions virtually the same as Redbubble, except uploading a single design does NOT instantly become available on all product types.

Oh, and each product you create is instantly available for sale on Amazon.com, as Prime eligible!

It's an absolutely incredible opportunity that everyone should be taking advantage of, so apply today!

Last, if you want to track how my Q4 e-commerce sales went through the years, check out my passive income reports »

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