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Free Dropshipped Print on Demand training

PlaceIt Alternative - Create Better Etsy Thumbnails

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Starting a print on demand business is not a get rich quick scheme - you'll need to establish a product creation process and stick to it religiously to succeed.

Your thumbnails have a huge impact on your clickthrough rate (CTR) when your listings are displayed in search results.

My personal opinion is that the hardest part of the "battle" to make a sale is getting clicked in the SERP when your product is displayed amongst other products that also rank on the same keywords.

I believe in taking advantage of every possible edge available to us, and one of them is creating nicer background images for our primary thumbnails!

This video shows you how to quickly:

  • Find open source, high-resolution backgrounds from a MASSIVE free library
  • Add a watermark representing your brand
  • Leverage Photoshop / Photopea blending options to make your print on demand products look even better!

I don't think you need to spend money on PlaceIt, hopefully you'll agree after watching this video.

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