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KDP Niche Research

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Doing KDP niche research helps sellers find high demand, low competition niches for selling low content books on Amazon, through KIndle Direct Publishing.

Any qualified niche for an e-commerce product shares the same two attributes:

  1. High demand
  2. Low competition

High Demand

We can validate the high demand using Best Seller Rank (BSR), a datapoint that Amazon exposes for every product in it's gigantic catalog that's ever sold (products without a BSR have never sold).

The LOWER the BSR = the more sales it's making

Low Competition

Evaluating the competition for a book niche is especially hard for KDP.

This is because in order to do so, we need to filter out non-KDP results when we do our research. I've spoken to engineers who have built tools that successfully do this and confirmed that unlike Merch where there are hidden keywords you can use to get Merch-only results, the same don't (knowingly) exist for KDP.

As a result, there are only two tools I'm aware of that allow us to search KDP-only and quantify our competition on book niches.

The two tools are both paid resources (w/ free trials available to new accounts):

  1. Book Bolt
  2. Merch Titans Research Tools

Validate Niches Using Book Bolt

Book Bolt has some awesome free KDP resources, but the product search function is part of their paid suite of tools.

Step 1:

Go to the Product Search page

Step 2:

Enter niche keywords of your choosing, check the "Search in title only", & click "Search"

(Category really doesn't matter - leave at Notebook or Journal - the majority listings are indexed on both keywords)

Book Bolt KDP Research Tool

* click to expand

Step 3:

Look at the Results Data table & aim to find niches where "Total Results" is less than 200 & "Average BSR" is under 1,000,000.

Book Bolt KDP Research Tool

* click to expand

Step 4:

If your seed keywords meet that criteria, scroll through the results & think about how you can enter this KDP niche!

Book Bolt KDP Research Tool

* click to expand

Here's another example using the keywords "Peanut Butter":

Book Bolt KDP Research Tool

* click to expand

It yielded even better results than "Unicorn" did:

  • Total results: 120
  • Average BSR: 795,389

If you only had time to pursue one niche today, go for peanut butter!

* click to expand

Validate Niches Using Merch Titans

The Merch Titans research tools is a separate suite of tools & separate subscription from the automation uploader.

It works pretty much the same as Book Bolt's product research tool, but with a better UI.

We follow very similar steps for Merch Titans as we did for Book Bolt:

Step 1:

Go to the Product Search page

Step 2:

Enter niche keywords of your choosing - you'll notice Merch Titans includes an auto-suggest of commonly searched terms from Amazon.

Change category to "KDP Notebook", Keep marketplace set to "COM" & click "Search"

Merch Titans KDP Research Tool

* click to expand

Step 3:

Look at the Results Data table & aim to find niches where "Total Results" is less than 200 & "Average BSR" is under 1,000,000.

Merch Titans KDP Research Tool

* click to expand

Step 4:

If your seed keywords meet that criteria, scroll through the results & think about how you can enter this KDP niche!

Merch Titans KDP Research Tool

* click to expand

Merch Titans is unique in that it lets you download the results as a CSV:

Merch Titans KDP Research Tool

* click to expand

If you're interested, you can check out the Unicorn results from this example: Download Unicorn Product Search CSV.

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