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Bubblescout Niche Research Tool

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Bubblescout is a one-click niche research tool for the Redbubble print on demand marketplace, and it's the only one of its kind.

What's up guys thanks for joining me for this video today I want to tell you all about BubbleScout my friend and I that built automate pod have been working on this for six months.

BubbleScout is the only one-click Redbubble niche research and validation tool in existence. The reason it's the only one is because it was not easy to build we actually had to arbitrage data from other e-commerce marketplaces bring it to Redbubble to basically do your validation for you and generate a niche score letting you know in one clickif you should be entering this print on demand niche or not!

bubblescout niche evaluator

It gauges competition it does sales projections it does a lot of cool stuff this video that I'm going to show you is also going to be the tutorial for the chrome extension that's going to be on the website at BubbleScout.com.

Also, because you guys are watching from my Youtube channel of course I'm gonna hook you up with a promo code in case you wanna check it out so look at look in the description for a promo code: "FIRST100".

There's also really valuable data made available for FREE that you don't need to subscribe for so hopefully everybody at least installs it and gives it a try!

BubbleScout Tutorial

I'm excited to show you BubbleScout it is a one-of-a-kind chrome extension that offers one-click niche validation on the popular print-on-demand marketplace Redbubble.

Now the first thing you're going to want to do is come to BubbleScout.com and click get chrome extension. It'll take you to the chrome web store and from here all you need to do is click add to chrome.

Now, you're going to want to go to Redbubble.com and you'll notice something extra pops up when you're on the website: you've got this table that is injected by our chrome extension that offers real-time up-to-date information on the top 20 trending searches that's probably the most valuable data that we offer the top 20 popular searches.

The last column displays the product types - pay attention to this product types one, because when you upload to Redbubble you get to choose the default product that it's displayed on I really don't think you should skip that you should set the default product because when you set it to optimized which is the default it tends not to always look that great.

bubblescout top 20 data tables

Using The Top 20 Trends

Now under top 20 trending searches if there was some crazy new trend that emerged overnight while you were asleep you're going to know about it and what I did here is I'm gonna show you a quick example you see paradise pd is number two so I'm not really sure what that is I'm gonna click that that's the equivalent of doing a keyword search on "Paradise PD".

When this page loads, if you've got BubbleScout installed you're gonna notice things like the competition evaluation and this one says low competition in this niche.

bubblescout competition evaluator

If you search for something like "funny cat" you know with a ton of results almost half a million you're going to get Oversaturated and that's a quick way of knowing to stay stay out of that niche.

BubbleScout Niche Score

What I want to show you are these little red bubbles over each product when you click it you can do three things.

bubblescout top 20 data tables


You can favorite, which is the equivalent of clicking the standard Redbubble favorite (normally there's a heart behind where these bubbles are).

Copy Tags

You can copy tags which will copy the tags to your windows clipboard so that then you can go to notepad and paste and see what tags that listing is using and then when you're uploading it you can insert the tags straight into your new upload.

Leave the guesswork aside and just copy them from the best-selling listings!

Analyze Niche

All right, also what I was really excited to show you is you can click analyze and this is going to pull up our sales data table.

By the way part of what made BubbleScout so hard to make we spent like six months building this thing because we have to arbitrage sales data to give you accurate results from other marketplaces that make it available because Redbubble does not make it available.

We don't know the sales velocity of these products but we do know the competition so we are algorithmically pulling in sales data from other marketplaces (like Amazon) we're looking at competition on Redbubble in real time to give you an accurate picture of this niche!

Now we ultimately boil this down into a niche score on a scale of one to ten.

bubblescout niche evaluator

If we were to look at the funny cat search and run the keyword tool you'll notice the niche score drops down to a five and there's a ton of competition which means this is probably only a five due to the really high sales velocity this estimates that the cat stickers are making about 120 sales a month and generating roughly $181/month to $224/month.

Again guys, that's a function of the price so if you change the price it's gonna change the um the numbers overall now if we scroll down here you'll see that the niche score drops off to like a four because they're not ranking as well as far as the product sales go

bubblescout high niche score example

I almost forgot you can click trend analysis it'll bring you over to Google trends and perform a keyword search on whatever niche you're looking at and you can see the prevalence of this niche over the last year and you can actually change the time frame if you'd like to.

:ook at this this example: "Frenemies" you see that in the past week or so it has gone from not really trending at all to just a massive spike when you see 100 that means that the search volume on Google is as high as it's ever been so this is indicative of a great opportunity as far as print-on-demand niches go.

bubblescout trend analysis


BubbleScout makes it quick & easy to do your niche research and niche validation on Redbubble.

We wanted to basically put some tools at your fingertips that you can very easily leverage to make informed decisions you can restart this process again and again!

If I scroll up to the top of the page I look at the Top 20 chart I recommend starting all your niche research here as this is showing you what's selling in real time and then just run the tool, look at the results, look at the niche score, if it's worth it go ahead jump into that niche!

Enjoy the first Redbubble niche research & validation tool everyone!

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