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Add Etsy Production Partner

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Etsy requires print on demand sellers to include their production partner on every POD listing created on Etsy that displays the company that produces the order.

Selling print on demand on Etsy is a great choice - their marketplace experienced a 17% growth in 2018 and that trend will likely continue into the future.

There's no better time to start than right now!

I believe that success selling on Etsy ultimately comes down to a few things:

  • Taking the first step - taking action - getting started (most people fail before they start)
  • Practicing your design skills (no one was an expert when they first started - it takes practice, like anything else)
  • Being consistent! I preach that your sales are a function of how much "online real estate" your products occupy - upload lots of products to lots of places!

I'd be more than happy to help you succeed as a POD Etsy seller - please make a habit of reading my dropshipped print on demand content & check out my YouTube Channel.

For now, that means guiding you through adding your print on demand production partners to Etsy.

(If you sell print on demand on Etsy & skip this step, you're playing with fire - Etsy admins are notoriously quick to ban seller accounts that don't comply)

How To Add An Etsy Production Partner

By now you should have setup an active Etsy seller account, opened a shop, & created your first product listing.

Printful is my print on demand production partner of choice (read my full review to understand why), so I'll be using them as the example for the remainder of this article.

Now that that's taken care of, here's how to add Printful to your Etsy account as a production partner.

  1. Navigate to Etsy's production partners page:
    Open Shop Manager > Click Settings > Click Production Partners
  2. Click "+ Add a new production partner"
    add new production partner on etsy
  3. Use the following information for adding Printful as a production partner on Etsy:
    Add Printful as production partner to etsy

    * click to expand

  4. Production partner: Printful
  5. Location: Chatsworth, CA
  6. About production partner: (copy + paste)

    I couldn't function without Printful. In their role as a production partner, they print, pack, & ship out orders from their California production/fulfillment center, allowing me to focus on what I'm best at - designing top-notch products that my customers will love!

  7. About your partnership:
    • I don't have the technical ability or equipment to make it entirely by myself
    • I design everything myself
    • They do everything for me
  8. Click "Save partner" & you're done
    click Save partner to add your new print on demand production partner

That's the whole process - there's really nothing to it!

Take a minute to add any additional print on demand partners you're using to fulfill orders.

For instance, if you also use Gearbubble, you can add them using the exact same information except change Location to "Las Vegas, NV" (where Gearbubble's primary facility is located).

Now, whenever you submit a product to your store, remember to click the checkbox for the corresponding production partner:

set your production partner on every print on demand etsy listing you create

You'll want to edit any existing product listings that Printful is fulfilling & add them as the production partner.

Now that that's done, you can wrap up integrating Etsy with Printful if you haven't already.

» Read more about Dropshipped POD «

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