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FeedbackWhiz Review

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Feedback Whiz helps Amazon sellers dominate the marketplace with product listing alerts to business critical events and automating buyer email communications.

When I heard Efficient Era was going out of business on July 4, 2019 I was stuck looking for a replacement.

Fortunately, someone at FeedbackWhiz reached out right when I needed them to & suggested checking out their tool FeedbackWhiz. (30 day free trial available - no CC required!)

As it turns out, it takes care of exactly what I needed it for to replace Efficient Era:

  • Amazon product listing monitoring & notifications
  • Email automation

Amazon product listing monitoring & notifications: there are business critical events that can impact your Amazon business in a negative way that you need to stay on top of.

For whatever reason, Amazon doesn't necessarily notify you of these... so it's on you to either

  • A) Monitor your listings manually every day for hijackers, having your offer undercut, etc.
  • B) Find software to do it for you!

Option B is the easy choice... and fortunately, FeedbackWhiz will do just that!

Email automation: Leveraging automation for buyer/seller communications is a great way of increasing product & seller reviews.

You can also setup dynamic sequences to attempt to "fix" negative feedback by sending automated communications after receiving negative reviews to the customer attempting to make it right (& hoping they remove the negative feedback).

FeedbackWhiz provides templated messages that follow Amazon's TOS to ensure you don't get in trouble for breaking the rules.

Here's how to use FeedbackWhiz:

FeedbackWhiz Listing Monitoring & Notifications

  1. In the main menu, go to Products > Product Monitoring

    * click to expand

  2. 1) Search for your products by ASIN, SKU, or Title.
    2) Select them from the list of products
    3) Click "Add »"
    4) When you've added everything, click " Save"

    * click to expand

Once it's saved, you'll begin receiving alerts to critical events for your monitored listings!

FeedbackWhiz Email Automation

Leveraging email automation is a great way of increasing the likelihood of receiving reviews from your buyers.

You can control things like when the emails go out, and whether to send them at all!

For instance, if we want to increase the likelihood of a review, we can send an email out 3 days after the customer should've received their product.

Or, we can trigger an email sequence immediately after receiving a negative product review in hopes to make the customer happy which could lead to them removing the negative feedback.

Another favorite of mine is automating emails letting customers who buy FBM products from me that their product has shipped.

FBM = Fulfilled by merchant. Check out my dropshipped print on demand content to learn more about how to maximize the value of your Seller Central account »

Here's how to setup email automation:

  1. Click Campaigns on the main navigation & click "Template Manager"
    Click Campaigns on the main navigation & click Template Manager

    * click to expand

  2. Click "Load Prebuilt Template"
    Click Load Prebuilt Template

    * click to expand

  3. For this example, click "Review Request" which will increase the likelihood of receiving reviews
    click Review Request

    * click to expand

  4. Click "Load this Template"
    Click Load this Template

    * click to expand

  5. Upload your logo
    Upload your logo

    * click to expand

  6. Delete the placeholder graphic of the houses+company name & replace with [[LOGO_IMAGE]], which will insert your logo
    You should see the dynamic preview update on the right-hand side
    delete placeholder logo & insert [[LOGO_IMAGE]]

    * click to expand

  7. Click "Save"
    Click Save

    * click to expand

  8. Click Campaigns on the main navigation & click "Campaign Manager"
    Click Campaigns on the main navigation & click Campaign Manager

    * click to expand

  9. Click "Create New Email Campaign"
    Click Create New Email Campaign

    * click to expand

  10. Name your Campaign & select the template you just made from the Email Template dropdown list
    Name your Campaign & select the template you just made from the Email Template dropdown list

    * click to expand

  11. Change Status to "Delivered" & set your channels (I use the same email for both FBA & FBM)
    Change Status to Delivered & set your channels

    * click to expand

  12. Set Exclude Orders to: with Negative Feedback (1 star) & (2 star), Other: with Returns & with Refunds

    * click to expand

  13. Send email = Daily; 3 days after order is delivered
    Send email = Daily; 3 days after order is delivered

    * click to expand

  14. Order matching rules = All Products; Click "Review & Save"
    Order matching rules = All Products & click review & save

    * click to expand

  15. Click "Create Campaign"
    Only set the "send emails from this campaign to past orders" if you want to retroactively apply this campaign to past orders (I don't recommend this unless it's recer orders within ~3 days)
    Click Create Campaign

    * click to expand

Now an automated email will be sent to your customers 3 days after they purchase your product!

You can also configure FeedbackWhiz to alert you when you receive product reviews & receive a daily summary email of your reviews.

Orders Dashboard

The Orders Dashboard is more elagant than the Seller Central screen for tracking orders (I don't know why the Seller Central UI sucks so much).

FeedbackWhiz Order Manager

* click to expand

Main Dashboard

The main dashboard is packed with valuable overarching data & insights into your Amazon business.

Data points include:

  • Orders
  • Feedback
  • Sales
  • Product Reviews
  • Quick Stats
  • Campaign History
FeedbackWhiz main dashboard

* click to expand

FeedbackWhiz is absolutely worth the low price tag.

Plus, there's a Free 30 day trial w/ no credit card required! give it a shot:

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