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Buyer/Seller Messaging Templates

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The Amazon Seller Central Buyer/Seller messaging system allows sellers to answer repeat requests easily using templates, and this video walks through using them.

Amazon Seller Central has a buyer/seller messaging system built in.

Where customers can reach out to sellers...

And sellers are supposed to respond within a 24-hour SLA via the messaging area in Seller Central.

In this video I'll show you how to setup templates.

And save tons of time answering repetitive questions in the future!

+ I provide an example of a generic template that you can use to explain shipping delays to customers.

(Especially prevelant over on my Amazon.co.uk sales right now...)

Any time you can save "future you" time by creating a shortcut, you should take advantage of that opportunity!

Here's the template:

Hello there,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I have reviewed your order and the tracking information provided and it appears the shipping carrier may be experiencing a delay during the delivery.

We have noticed an increase in delays both domestically and internationally due to the global pandemic happening now.

The border control is affecting international countries and the domestic highway trucking weight stations are checking drivers for symptoms of the virus. This has contributed to the overall increase in delivery time.

We would appreciate your patience if we could allow the shipping carrier to still try to attempt to deliver this package. We ask customers to wait an additional 15 business days after the latest estimate delivery date, it is likely the package will be delivered.

If you have not received the package by then, please let us know, & we would be happy to explore other options.

Best regards,

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