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AMZScout Review

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The AMZScout Chrome extension helps Amazon sellers identify profitable products to sell by analyzing data aimed at locating high demand, low competition listings.

There's no shortage of Amazon product research tools on the market, so you should be asking:

What sets AMZScout apart from the rest?

I'm going to break down the answer in this article so that you can make an informed decision on if this Amazon seller product research tool is the right one for YOU.

Before dig into the AMZScout Chrome extension features, go ahead and sign up using the link below.

It's [FREE] to try, with no credit card required!

How to Use AMZScout Chrome Extension

Here's a quick walkthrough of the most common use case:

  1. Add the Chrome extension + sign up for a free account
    AMZScout chrome extension
  2. Navigate to Amazon & click the AMZScout Pro extension icon to run it
    amzscout chrome extension icon
  3. It will take you to a wizard that helps you find & validate niche product ideas, & even suggests a few! I clicked "automatic soap dispenser"
    AMZScout niche product ideas

    * click to expand

  4. Clicking the suggestion performed the keyword search on Amazon, & AMZScout went to work analyzing the available information (like # of competitors & Best Seller Rank "BSR" of search results) to determine if this is a worthwhile niche or not.
    AMZScout analysis for automatic soap dispenser on Amazon

    * click to expand

  5. You can also re-open AMZScout niche analysis by clicking the button in the bottom-left corner
    Re-open AMZScout niche analysis by clicking the button in the bottom left corner

    * click to expand

  6. There's a lot of powerful information at our fingertips. Fortunately, they made it easy for us by grading the niche in its entirety & assigning it a numeric score, called "Niche Score"
    Go ahead and click the "Niche Score" from the results
    AMZScout Niche Score from niche analysis

    * click to expand

  7. You should now see a breakdown of the analysis, including an Overall Score, Profit analysis, Demand analysis, & Competition analysis
    AMZScout Niche Score breakdown: overall score, profit, demand, competition analysis

    * click to expand

I ran the Jungle Scout Chrome extension on the page to compare results and they were both in agreement about pretty much everything, other than the "Average Monthly Sales" column:

  • AMZScout: 234
  • Jungle Scout: 329
Jungle Scout Chrome extension analysis of automatic soap dispenser on Amazon

* click to expand

Understanding AMZScout's Niche Research Data

With such a powerful tool at our disposal, some might feel overwhelmed when looking at the data returned after running the extension.

Lets look more closely at each data point and why it's relevant when evaluating whether or not to enter a niche.

* Let me begin by mentioning that the top two results are noted as "SP" which indicated "Sponsored Products", meaning they are paid/advertised placements and usually aren't the best sellers for that niche.

AMZScout Sponsored Products in results

* click to expand

  • Star (icon): Click to save product to, great for re-visiting later
  • Product Name: The product listing title, which often contains the most valuable traffic-driving keywords. You can click it to open the product listing
  • Brand: Brand name - keep an eye out for big, recognizable brands, which can be tough to compete with
  • Product Score: Analyzes the listing price, reviews, listing quality, and revenue to grade the overall opportunity. You can click it to get a more detailed breakdown:
    Analyzes the listing price, reviews, listing quality, and revenue to grade the overall opportunity

    * click to expand

  • Sellers: The # of sellers competing for the buy box on the listing
  • Rank: Best seller rank, or "BSR" for short. A lower BSR indicates more sales
  • Price: The price, based on the current buy box winner
  • FBA Fees: * Important * The fee that Amazon takes from each sale
  • Net Margin: The % of each sale that you keep, after deducting FBA fees
  • Est. Sales: Projected # of monthly sales, by evaluating the BSR & the parent category
  • Est. Revenue: Monthly estimated revenue = Est. Sales * Price
  • # of Reviews: Review count. More reviews often indicates sales history on Amazon, which may make that listing harder to overtake in organic ranking
  • RPR: Monthly revenue per review = Estimated Revenue / # of Reviews
  • Rating: The average review based on Amazon customers feedback
  • LQS: Listing Quality Score, it evaluates various aspects of the listing to come up with a numeric grade
    AMZScout Listing Quality Score breakdown

    * click to expand

  • Available From: The date this product was first available on Amazon
  • Seller: indicates the seller. FBA = fulfilled by Amazon | FBM = fulfilled by Merchant | AMZ = sold by Amazon

Understanding these points is imperative so that you can accurately evaluate a niche from a high level using AMZScout... you don't want to ever be overly dependant on a tool.

AMZScout In-Depth Product Analysis

If a particular product or product variant catches your eye, you can click the row for that product within the AMZScout results to open access additional options.

AMZScout in depth product analysis

* click to expand

Here's what the additional tools do:

  • Add to Tracker: Adds the product to the Product Tracker in the web app

    * click to expand

  • Profit Calculator: Project the profitability of selling this product by inputting the Product cost (from supplier), Additional costs per product (inbound shipping costs), & "additional" costs such as inventory storage fees
    * This functions the same as the Amazon FBA Calculator extension which I've been recommending to students in my Amazon FBA course

    AMZScout Profit Calculator

    * click to expand

  • Product History: Projects recent sales by day using BSR data (a downward spike in BSR often indicates a sale)
    AMZScout Product History analysis example

    * click to expand

  • Get keywords: Pulls a list of mostly long tail keywords that you should be trying to rank one when your product goes live.
    Great for setting up your PPC campaigns!
    AMZScout Keyword Analysis

    * click to expand

  • Find at AliBaba: Performs an image search on Alibaba which can be a highly-effective way of locating the exact supplier for that product if the seller is lazy and using a stock image as their primary photo
    AMZScout Find at Alibaba image search example

    * click to expand

  • Find at Google: Performs an image search for the product on Google
    AMZScout Find at Google example

    * click to expand

  • Copy ASIN: Copies the ASIN to your Windows clipboard

AMZScout Key Metrics

As ridiculous as it may seem, there's even more power packed into the AMZScout chrome extension.

When using it to research niches, some data points are more important than others.

For instance, if the niche isn't worth our time pursuing, we don't need to drill down into the finer bits of data.

I'm a big fan of efficiency - I love being able to do this in a fast & efficient manner.

The following data points give us a quick, high-level glimpse into a niche as a whole:

AMZScout Key Metrics along top of app

* click to expand

  • Results: Don't pay too much attention to this - this is just the # of listings displayed in Amazon search results, which Amazon can change at any time
  • Avg. Monthly Sales: I don't value this data point too much, because I'm always planning on being a "better than average" seller when I enter a niche, so I'm more focused on the top listings in the niche
  • Avg. Sales Rank: Don't overvalue this data point either... their search results will include FBM listings that may be seriously overpriced and never sell (on page 2,3,4+), which will skew the average BSR metric
  • Avg. Price: This metric is valuable when it comes to pricing your product. When you enter a new niche, remember you need to price your product competitively to incentivize customers to trust the newcomer to the scene
  • Avg. Reviews: A good way of evaluating how long products in this niche have been selling (higher avg reviews indicates a long history of sales on Amazon)
  • Saturation Score: The grade is based on the total # of sellers with offers in the niche
  • Niche Score: Based on analysis of Overall Score, Profit analysis, Demand analysis, & Competition (click to view more)
  • Niche History: Attempts to estimate the # of sales in that niche over the past month, broken down per-day. Includes Sales, Avg. BSR, & Avg. Price
    AMZScout Niche History example

    * click to expand

Along the bottom of the app there's also some additional tools:

AMZScout additional tools on bottom of app

* click to expand

  • Next Page: View the next page of results (based on the data returned by Amazon)
  • Refresh: Refresh the results. While most results wont change, it's likely that the Sponsored Product spots will feature different products
  • Filter: You can filter out the results as you see fit.
    I recommend doing the following, at a minimum: Filter for "FBA", "AMZ", & "Hide Sponsored" (which will filter OUT Merchant-fulfilled orders & Ads)
    AMZScout niche research filters

    * click to expand

  • Trends: Trend analysis based on Google search volume (using Google Trends data)
    AMZScout trend analysis using Google Trends data

    * click to expand

  • Niche Keywords: The most commonly used keywords in product listings within the niche, based on an analysis of the listings.
    * Very useful for setting up advertising campaigns, priotizing keywords in your product listing, & identifying less-relevant backend keywords
    AMZScout niche keywords analysis

    * click to expand

  • CSV: Download the results as a CSV

Niche Idea Button

This is basically an "Easy button" that essentially allows you to go into auto-pilot mode and trust AMZScout to find you a new niche idea on command.

...Why can't everything be this simple?

AMZScout Niche Idea button

* click to expand

Niche product research is now as simple as:

Click "Niche Idea" Check "Niche Score" (aim for 7+)

Needless to say, I'm loving the simplicity & ease of use of the AMZScout chrome extension.

PS. You can use it for free with no credit card required!

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